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Why John Won’t Be at BlogPaws

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Well, we knew it would be an exciting week with BlogPaws coming up…but it has turned out to be a little TOO exciting around here! Yesterday Tropical Storm Hermine hit Texas…and then just sat here, still at tropical storm strength. What began as a much needed rain turned into a rain event like we’ve never seen (and hope to never see again).

This part of Texas is flash flood territory so receiving over a foot of rainfall in a few hours causes small streams–like our little creek where our dogs love to wade–to turn into life-threatening rivers.

We first found out the creek was up when the electricity went off at 1:30am…then we saw that creek was almost at the house! There’s no way out of our house without crossing the creek so we began making preparations to hike up the hill behind our house to higher ground–with our two dogs and four cats in carriers. THANKFULLY the water began to go down about 3:30am before it came into the house and forced us out! We were so lucky!!

Today we’ve been surveying the damage, mostly downed trees and road damage. Our neighbors are getting together to use a bulldozer this week to work on our caliche road and smooth out the piles of road base the flood rearranged. We decided that John had better stay home and just rebanked his airline miles (we had booked frequent flyer tickets). John will be here helping and I’ll be off to BlogPaws and promise to keep everyone (including John!) up to date on what’s happening at the conference; follow along at @DogTipper and look for the #LoveThemBack hashtag about the Cesar Canine Cuisine special promotions!

Irie checks out the trees that washed downstream.

Irie checks out the trees that washed downstream.

Tiki gives me her best "It's OK! Don't worry about anything!" kiss!

Tiki gives me her best “It’s OK! Don’t worry about anything!” kiss! This area which looks like a creek is actually part of our back yard!

Paris Permenter
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