Can’t travel with your dog this summer? Your dog doesn’t have to remain lonely when you are away. You can give him a staycation at a dog hotel that will help open up a whole new experience for him.

When Do I Need to Board My Dog?
Just how long can dogs be left alone? Sometimes you might have a busy day that has kept you away from your home for the entire day (and into overtime). It is not recommended to leave your dog at home alone for an extended time–dog day care might be a better option to avoid early signs of stress and separation anxiety.
Hotels for Dogs
You can opt to take your dog to a boarding facility to keep him relaxed with professional care and the company of fellow dogs.
You however need to know a few things before deciding on the type of boarding facility you need to take your dog to. In addition to that, you need to prepare your furry friend to embrace the place he will spend some time in your absence.
You can only give your dog a second home by ensuring that he gets nearly the same services you give him in your house. This includes the toys he plays with, the kind of food he eats and the frequency of eating, his sleeping preference, pattern, and many more.
4 Benefits of a Hotel for Dogs
You might be concerned that your dog is spending some time away from you, but what are the benefits of a dog boarding? We outline some of them here:
It enables your dog to socialize.

A doggie boarding will enable your dog to socialize by engaging with new pets, experiencing a new environment, and meeting new people altogether. This will help your dog develop a strong social insight and make him less anxious when meeting new friends afterward.
Offers your dog uninterrupted fun.
When dogs interact with their other furry friends, they have endless fun playing, running, and jumping together. If you have a social dog, you can activate his fun instinct by letting him interact with new furry friends at a boarding facility.
Prevents possible mess in your house.
If you leave a playful pup at home for an extended time, there’s a good chance that you will find most things in your house messed up. This might include broken utensils, torn-up curtains, scratched furniture, and so on. You can avoid this kind of mess by taking your dog to a suitable caregiver for a boarding facility.
Ability to take advantage of grooming services.

Most dog boarding facilities offer grooming services at very affordable rates. You can choose the grooming you need for your dog–and pick up a clean and groomed dog at the end of your vacation!
What Does a Good Dog Hotel Look Like?
A good dog hotel facility should have services that treat your dog like he is at home. We understand that your dog is going to a strange place if he is going for the first time. It will be more disastrous if he gets boring services that don’t excite him as much.
Avoid facilities that place your dog in crates as a way of holding them. When your dog is in a crate and a new place altogether, he might develop stress and anxiety which might lead to serious depression thereafter.
You would love an open house facility that has enough space for your dog to move around, play, and interact with caregivers when he needs to. The best boarding facility for your dog should be a pet hotel, and yes, they are very affordable.
You should also choose a boarding facility that has separate rooms for dogs to sleep in. It is okay for the dogs to interact during the day and play as much as they would love.
But when it comes to sleeping time, it is recommended to let each dog sleep in their room unless for cases where you have multiple dogs who can be put up together.
Have a look at the video below from Cater Clips that showcases a favorable dog hotel for your pup’s staycation:
What Should You Pack in Your Dog’s Suitcase for Boarding?
Taking your dog for boarding is like going camping with him. The only difference is that this time you will only drop and leave him there.
Once you have chosen your desired pet hotel, they will give you a list of items that you should bring and those that you should not.
Before leaving the house with your dog to the boarding place, make sure you have packed the needed items in your dog’s suitcase. The following are some of the commonly needed items in most pet boarding places:
Put your dog’s favorite meals pre-packaged in small containers that can be locked properly. Talk to your boarding provider and enquire about the maximum quantity of food they accept per day. Balance that requirement with the amount of food your dog will need during his entire stay period. You can carry along your dog’s favorite food bowl
Have a note that clearly indicates the feeding time for your dog. If you have multiple pups, state clearly if they are to be fed at the same time or if they require different feeding times.
Remember to check on the type of foods that are acceptable in the facility you are taking your dog to. Most facilities will encourage you to add on some of your dog’s favorite treats in his food package.
If you have a recovering pet on medication, you should remember to include his drugs in his suitcase for the boarding. You need to clearly indicate the administrative instructions of the drug and the name of your dog on the package. Always be sure to provide contact information for your dog’s veterinarian as well.
You can assure your dog that you will be present with him during his boarding by packing in some bedding that have your smell on them. These should be comfy and minimal to comfort your dog even when you are not close to him.
You can add one or two toys that excite your dog the most. These toys will be used by the caregivers to interactively engage with your dog when he looks bored or out of place. He will quickly recognize the toy and get the home feeling and assurance that he is safe.
Do not forget to label all dog toys you have packed for the boarding. It is very common for dog accessories to get misplaced during boarding.
Choosing the best doggie hotel for your lovely pup requires early preparation before the actual day. The idea is to give your dog a home away from home in your absence. Always ensure that you keep up the supply of the commodities and services that your dog is used to even during a hotel stay.
About the Author
Thank you for reading my article, if you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section below. I am the founder and author of fursnpaws; a pet blog that provides answers to the most common questions about pets and what they need.
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