Costco membership warehouse clubs, with over 800 locations around the world, have a devoted following of shoppers who come to save money and discover brands. The stores also sell pet supplies–so you may be wondering if Costco is dog friendly and if your dog can accompany you in the store to shop.

Are Dogs Allowed in Costco?
Because Costco sells food, dogs are NOT allowed in Costco stores. This is the same policy that you will find in all US grocery stores. Dogs–including emotional support dogs–are not allowed.
Are Service Dogs Allowed in Costco?
You can bring a trained service dog that is required to assist you in any Costco store under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and in accordance with Costco’s directive. The Costco website states:
“In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Costco has adopted a service animal policy. Be assured that Costco members accompanied by service animals have immediate access to our warehouses.”
As at other stores, Costco employees are allowed to ask two questions of service dog handlers:
- Is your dog a service animal?
- What task or function is it trained to perform?
In some states, you can also bring a service dog who is still in training–but that depends on the state laws governing service dog in training access.
However, please realize that if you have an emotional support dog that dog does not have the same rights as a service dog. Therapy dogs also do not have the rights of a service dog.
If your dog is not a trained service dog, do not bring your dog to a Costco and try to misrepresent your dog as a service dog. Depending on the location, misprepresenting your dog as a service dog can carry a fine of up to $1000.
Look for Dog-Friendly Stores
Even though you can’t take your dog into Costco on your shopping trips, many stores welcome dogs, at least in some locations!
Check our list of 100+ dog-friendly stores for places you may be able to shop with your dog in your home town (rules can vary from city to city, even in the most dog-friendly chains)–and check other “can I bring my dog” posts for detailed information on specific stores.
You may be interested in these posts:
Are Dogs Allowed in the Post Office?
Are Dogs Allowed in Tractor Supply?
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