Let’s face it: we’re all busy–and looking for ways to save both money and time. This need carries over into our pet supply purchases as well, with more and more pet parents turning to trusted online stores to help with pet treatment purchases for everything from nutritional supplements to fungicidal shampoos.
Before your next online pet product purchase, here are five easy tips for safely ordering online pet products for your dog:
Talk with Your Vet
Make your first step a talk with your veterinarian, either in person or by phone. Whether you are looking for flea, tick, worm, or other pet treatments online, let your veterinarian know and get her recommendation for brands as well as her instructions for usage based on your dog’s size, breed, age, lifestyle, and activity level.
Talk with your veterinarian about any special activities coming up in your dog’s life as well.
For example, if you are seeking flea treatment because you’ll be boarding your dog and they require that all dogs be on a flea treatment, let her know.
Skip Craigslist and eBay
Yes, you may find pet medications and treatments at these sites, but you have no guarantee that you are purchasing product that is being advertised–or that the product isn’t past date.
Look for Name Brands
Just as if you were shopping at your local pet supply store, expect to find the same name brands at online pet pharmacies.
Expect Prescription Medications to Require a Prescription
You could not walk in your local pharmacy and ask for medications without a prescription — so expect that online pet pharmacies will also require a valid prescription from your veterinarian.
This is for the safety of your dog!
If You Have Questions, Ask
Online pet supply stores will be able to help with your questions.
Most offer extensive fact sheets as well as either online or telephone assistance with your questions about everything from no-itch shampoos to joint supplements.
This post is brought to you by The Pet Company.
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