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This has been one COLD week here, at least in Texas terms. After several days of never getting above freezing, we had some snow Thursday night, a real treat in this part of the state. Snow was predicted but it hadn’t started by time we went to bed; at 2am, Irie decided she had to go outside to the bathroom and it looked like it had been snowing for a couple of hours by then. I let her out, she walked to the edge of the porch, saw the snow, then ran back inside at full speed! I walked out with her, gave her the “pee pee” command (she’s really good with that) and she took off full speed across the yard, did what she had to do, then raced back.

Friday morning, the dogs awoke up to a yard covered in snow. It wasn’t as much as last year’s snow but plenty to get them in the mood for some serious playing:

Tiki couldn’t figure out why the giant water bowl/swimming pool was completely frozen:

We bundled up Irie and Tiki and set out on our usual morning walk...

Irie (who loves to track) quickly investigated these rabbit tracks in the snow…

Later we found some other tracks. At first we thought they were coyote tracks (there are a lot of coyotes here) but after reading about coyote tracks, we think they were probably fox tracks:

The snow didn’t last long; by lunchtime, the sun was out and the snow was gone except in the shadiest places. We had fun while it lasted, though!

Paris Permenter
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