Our dogs LOVE chicken liver–and I love that it’s nutritious and low-cost. It makes a great dog treat–and it’s easy to freeze dry chicken liver dog treats at home, too!

All you’ll need is a tub of chicken livers, a stockpot, a cookie sheet and a freezer!

This recipe is super-simple; basically you’re just going to dump the entire tub of chicken livers–blood and all–into a pot that’s about half filled with water.
If you see a round attachment to the liver, that’s the bitter-tasting gall bladder; cut it off and discard.

Let the livers come to a complete boil then reduce heat to medium boil for about 30 minutes.

Remove the pot from the heat and let cool slightly before pouring off the liquid. You’ll want to save this broth for future dog treat recipes!
If you don’t have any planned, you can pour the cooled broth into small cups and freeze for some yummy and flavorful frozen dog treats!
Once the chicken livers have cooled enough to handle (you can put refrigerate for a while, if you like), it’s time to cut the liver into training treat portions.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (wax paper or foil will also work) and cut the liver into small, uniform bits as best you can.

Spread the liver bits out across the try so no two are touching then slide this tray into your freezer.

And now you wait!
It takes about a week for the livers to freeze dry.
After a week, remove one or two pieces from the try and place them on your counter to thaw at room temperature.
If you see any moisture as the liver thaws, it’s not ready! Time to wait a few more days.
Remember that liver should never make up more than 5% of your dog’s diet (and treats should never make up more than 10% of his diet).

If you don’t see any sign of moisture, you can remove the freeze dried liver bits from the freezer. Store a week’s worth of treats in a plastic bag or mason jar; if you have more than you can use in a week, put them in a zippered plastic bag in your freezer for later use.
The training treat size is perfect for popping your dog walking bag before a walk or for using to teach your dog a new skill or reward a good behavior!

Freeze Dried Chicken Liver Dog Treats
- 1 pound tub of chicken livers
- Pour chicken livers in a stockpot half filled with water.
- Bring chicken livers to a boil; reduce heat to a low boil.
- Cook for 30 minutes.
- Turn off heat and remove pot from heat.
- Allow chicken livers to cool.
- Reserve liquid to use as broth in another dog treat recipe.
- Cut chicken livers into small, uniform pieces.
- Place livers on parchment-lined cookie sheet.
- Put cookie sheet in freezer for one week.
- Take out two chicken liver treats and allow to thaw at room temperature.
- If any moisture is present, continue freezing treats for three days.
- If no moisture is present, place treats in bag or jar to store for up to one week or bag and freeze for long storage.
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