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Petrol Fuel for Dogs Review

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Product: Petrol Fuel for Dogs™

What It Is: dog treat beverage with added vitamins and minerals

Manufacturer: Petrol, Inc.

DogTipper Review: Frequently at the top of New Year’s resolutions is the decision to get in shape by eating healthier and some of us extend that sentiment to our dogs as well. We’re always looking for products promising to boost our dogs’ nutrition and keep them healthy and trim.

We were recently asked to evaluate a new hydrating drink, Petrol Fuel for Dogs. This vet-formulated beverage is packaged in a handsome, 12-ounce aluminum can which is 100 percent recyclable. The drink contains completely natural flavorings to make it appealing to canines.

Made with reverse-osmosis water, Petrol’s ingredients include:

  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B6
  • Niacin, Biotin and
  • L-Carnitine

Each 12-ounce can contains 8 calories, making it a low-calorie treat.

Petrol Fuel for Dogs is suitable for dogs of all sizes and breeds and is intended to be a supplement to a dog’s usual diet.

The company also sells the “Fueled-Up Pup Pack,” a reusable dog hydration bottle with roller ball top for easy lapping. Thirty percent of the Fueled-Up Pup Pack sales benefit The Ryan Newman Foundation in support of pet-related charities (including low-cost spay and neuter clinics).

So, did our dogs lap it up? You bet they did! Petrol Fuel and the Fueled-Up Pup Pack look like great stocking stuffers for your favorite companion.

For More Information:

  • visit

Disclaimer: We received a complimentary package of Petrol Fuel for Dogs and a Fueled-Up Pup Pack from the manufacturer— the Company sent this to us without charge; we were not compensated for our review. We were under no obligation to write a good review or to write any review about this product, and what we’ve written here is our own opinion based on our own personal use of the product.

Paris Permenter
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