Are you shopping for arts and crafts–and want to take your dog along? With very few exceptions, we’re happy to say your dog is welcome to shop along with you in Michaels stores. Read on to find out when you should NOT take your dog to a pet friendly Michaels store–and the best ways to help your dog enjoy the shopping experience.

Are Dogs Allowed in Michaels?
As we mentioned, dogs are allowed in Michaels stores. I love taking Barli to ours; the stores are quieter than many other dog-friendly stores like Lowe’s, so they’re a great “beginner” store if your dog is new to shopping!

While Michaels doesn’t have a pet friendly policy on their website, they welcome pets in many social media posts like this tweet where they noted “we are a pet-friendly store”:

NOTE: Dogs won’t be permitted in classes the involve food preparation. For example, our local Michaels has several food crafting classing including making fondant cookies and creating gingerbread houses. Since food preparation is involved, dogs wouldn’t be allowed to join you at those events or in the area where that activity is taking place.
However, dogs can accompany you on regular shopping excursions–but we always have one suggestion no matter how pet-friendly a store is: call first! If you’ve never been to this particular Michaels store with your dog (or if it’s been a long time), give them a quick call to ask if your dog will be permitted in the store.
Why? Because rules change.
If there’s a municipal regulation that prohibits dogs in stores, then your dog won’t be able to shop with you unless your dog is a service dog. (See more on that below.)
And there’s always a chance that a change of management may have brought a change in the pet policy of that individual store.
So check the Michaels store locator and give your local store a quick call before you do. That’s what I did the first time I took Barli then I was able to shop knowing that the store was comfortable with dogs–and that put me (and therefore Barli) more at ease to enjoy our shopping!
How to Make Sure Your Dog Enjoys Shopping
Is you dog new to shopping? A few steps before and during the shopping trip can help make the trip more successful for you both!
- Pack a leash no longer than 6 feet. This will help prevent your dog from becoming tangled in displays and minimize tripping risk for other shoppers. You’ll want your dog to remain at your side during your shopping.
- Leave the retractable leash at home. Retractable leashes can really present a tripping risk in stores (not to mention the possibility of turning over who-knows-what).
- Pack a cleanup kit. Along with poop bags, pack some paper towels and hand sanitizer. You never know.
- Pack a small blanket or throw for the cart if your dog will ride in the cart. If you have a small dog who will be riding in your shopping cart, PLEASE pack a throw for him to rest. This will prevent his paws from going through the mesh bottom of the cart.
- Make a potty stop before entering the store. Even if your dog peed before leaving home, take a few minutes to make a pit stop before entering Michaels.
- Keep your dog near. For both the safety of your dog and fellow shoppers, keep your dog at your side while shopping.
- Watch for potential accidents and pick up any accidents immediately. If your dog has an accident, pick it up immediately. Especially if you have a male dog who likes to mark, keep a special eye out and, if you’re not always able to tell your dog is about to mark, consider having your dog wear a belly band for the trip.
Should You Take Your Dog To Michaels?
OK, we’ve determined that Michaels will allow leashed dogs in the store–but SHOULD you take your dog to Michaels to shop with you?
Well, the answer depends on your dog.
If your dog has any kind of aggression–to people or other dogs–dog-friendly stores are not for your dog.
If your dog is extremely shy, he or she may later enjoy shopping–but first start with dog training classes to get your dog accustomed to being out and about.
Can Service Dogs Go to Michaels?
Yes, a trained service dog that is required to assist you is allowed in any Michaels under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
“Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.” — Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Please note that this ONLY covers trained service dogs; it does not include emotional support dogs.
If your dog is not a trained service dog, do not attempt to misrepresent your dog as a service dog. Depending on where you live, misprepresenting your dog as a service dog can carry a fine of up to $1000.
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