Getting your dog groomed isn’t just a way to help your dog look great–it’s also an important step to ensure the health of your dog’s skin and paws, and pet groomers routinely check for lumps and bumps that might need veterinary attention. Every year, International Pet Groomer Appreciation Day recognizes the hard work of these pet professionals.

When is International Pet Groomer Appreciation Day?
International Pet Groomer Appreciation Day is recognized every year on November 1. This pet holiday originated in 2009, created by groomer Krista Olson, the previous owner of Tiny Tots Dog Grooming, as a way to show appreciation to the pet professionals who work in the grooming industry.
How Much Should You Tip a Dog Groomer?
The amount you should tip a dog groomer really depends on the service that was provided–and on your dog.
In general, dog groomer tips range from 15-20% of the service.
Did you have a puppy groomed and the groomer had to deal with a squirming, nipping dog? Then raise the tip! Similarly, if your dog had matting issues, had gotten into burrs that had to be carefully worked out of your dog’s fur, raise that tip as well.
If you’re unsatisfied with the service, you should speak to the groomer directly rather than leaving a poor tip.
Should I Tip My Dog Groomer at Christmas?
If you have a regular dog groomer, it’s standard practice to provide a bonus tip for the Christmas season.
According to national tipping guides, a standard Christmas tip for a dog groomer is the amount of one standard service.
How to Choose a Pet Groomer
Choosing a pet groomer can feel like one daunting task!, a company that makes delicious gift baskets often sold as thank you gifts for groomers and other pet professionals, breaks the process of finding a pet groomer you will appreciate in five easy steps:
Step 1: Assess Their Expertise?
How many years have they been in business? If they’ve set up shop for at least four years, they’ve likely earned themselves a great reputation and are pet grooming experts.
The real deal will also be recognized by the National Dog Groomers Association and any other related dog grooming associations, so be sure to check up on them. In addition, the staff should know to be calm and confident, as a stressful environment can create a negative experience for your pet.
Step 2: Ask for Referrals.
A reputable pet groomer will have a list of referrals and testimonials at their fingertips. Be sure to also ask around town to see if anyone has utilized their services, and check around online for any reviews of their services. It’s your pooch, so make sure he or she is in good hands!
Step 3: Review The Facilities.
The pet groomer doesn’t need to have the most advanced or posh of pet grooming facilities, but they should be clean and tidy. All cages should be properly sized to comfortably hold your pet, and the pets inside these cages should be resting or behaving in a positive manner.
Step 4: Bring Your Dog.
You need to be comfortable with the pet groomer you choose for your pooch, but you also need to ensure your dog is happy and content with your choice, as well.
Bring your dog along to the pet grooming facility, and see how the staff members interact with your dog, as well as how your dog acts at the facility. Sure, Fido may be a little apprehensive, but if you see the hair rising on his neck, it’s time to check out the next facility.
Step 5: Location and Price Matter.
You want to provide your dog with as quality a pet groomer as possible, but let’s face it, you also want to make sure the pet groomer is located in your general radius, and won’t break your budget, either.
It’s okay if you can’t choose a fancy pet spa, but do take the above steps into consideration, as you want to be sure you’re getting a pet groomer that will provide quality service for Fido.
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