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Erik Estrada Adopts Rescue Puppies

EstradaAs California Highway Patrol motorcycle officer Frank “Ponch” Poncherello he safeguarded the streets alongside fellow Officer Jon Baker on the TV series CHiPS, but today actor Erik Estrada rolls with two rescued four-pawed partners who have been cast in the real life roles of the Estrada family’s barking buddies.

TMZ recently reported that the pop culture icon’s teenage daughter was the first to spot the Spots during a visit in March to Wylder’s Holistic Pet Center & Rescue in Studio City, California. Upon his arrival to make the adoption official, the star of Dos Mujeres, Un Camino decided to also help pave the way for a brighter tomorrow for the dogs who didn’t find their forever home that day by making a $1,000 donation to The Wylder Foundation aid the retail shop/rescue’s ongoing offers to save canines who are facing their fate in L.A. area kill shelters.

Now known as Nike and Shadow, the two border terrier/schnauzer mix puppies are now lapping up their family’s affection along with their new canine siblings and Daisy, a 12-year-old turtle.

For more information regarding Wylder’s Holistic Pet Center & Rescue:

Photo Credit: Twitter/Erik Estrada

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