Whether you are adopting a Chihuahua or looking for names for shelter dogs, there’s no shortage of cute names for these little dogs that are big on personality! We’ve rounded up the best Chihuahua names including cute and funny names that play off the Chihuahua’s size, the names of famous Chihuahuas you’ll recognize from the big screen, Spanish names and terms of endearment for the one who holds such a special place in your heart and even unique names from the state of Chihuahua to reflect your new dog’s heritage.

Female Chihuahua Names from Spanish Terms of Endearment
These Spanish terms of endearment make great female Chihuahua names–or a special nickname! You’ll see that many of these terms end in -ita, a diminutive for Spanish names and words that’s perfect for choosing a Chihuahua name for a girl.
- Alma: Soul. “Mi alma” is a special term of endearment to show how much she means to you.
- Amada: Darling
- Amiga: Friend
- Angelita: Little angel
- Azucar: Sugar
- Bebé: Baby
- Bella: Beautiful
- Cachorrita: Diminutive of cachorro or puppy
- Cariña: Sweetie or honey
- Cariñita: Sweetie
- Chata: An endearing term for one with a pug nose
- Chela: Blonde
- Chiqui: Tiny. Pronounced “cheekee.”
- Chiquita: Tiny or Little Girl
- Chucha: Usually used for street dogs, used as an endearment
- Chula: Pretty
- Dulzura: Sweetness
- Enana: short or little girl
- Estrella: Star
- Guapa: Beautiful
- Hermosa: Gorgeous
- Jefa (“hefa”): Boss
- Loba: Wolf but also used as a nickname for one who is sly
- Mamita: Little mother, perfect for the pregnant Chihuahua shelter dog
- Mariposa: Butterfly
- Mija: My daughter
- Muñeca: Doll
- Nena: Little Girl or Darling
- Niña: Girl
- Preciosa: Precious
- Prima: Cousin or close friend
- Princesa: Princess
- Reina: Queen
- Rubia: Nickname for a girl with blonde hair
- Sirenita: Little Mermaid
- Tia: Aunt (or used for close friend in Spain)
- Vida: Mi Vida or My Life, to show your Chihuahua just how much they mean to you.
- Vieja: My old lady, perfect for the newly-adopted senior Chihuahua
Male Chihuahua Names from Spanish Terms of Endearment

These Spanish terms of endearment might be the perfect choice for male Chihuahua names. Just like doggie and other “ie” words in English, adding -ito turns a Spanish word or name into a diminutive, perfect Chihuahua name for a boy.
- Adoro: Adore
- Amigo: Friend
- Angelito: Little Angel
- Bebé: Baby
- Bello: Handsome
- Bombón: From chocolate, but used as an endearment like Sweetie.
- Bonito: Handsome
- Cachorrito: From cachorro or puppy
- Cariño: Sweetie
- Cariñito: Sweetie
- Chucho: Most often used for street dogs, used as an endearment as well.
- Chavo: Dude
- Chiquito: Little boy
- Chulo: Handsome
- Cielo: Literally “sky” but “Mi Cielo” is used as a term of endearment.
- Corazón: Literally “heart” but used like sweetheart.
- Guapo: Handsome
- Hermoso: Handsome
- Jefe (“hefe”): Boss
- Mijo: My son
- Muñeco: Doll
- Nené: Little Boy or Darling
- Niño: Boy
- Osito: Little Bear or Baby Bear
- Perrito: Puppy
- Primo: Cousin or close friend
- Príncipe: “Prince”
- Rey: “King” or Mi Rey is a favorite nickname for boyfriends and husbands–or the Chihuahua who reigns over your heart.
- Sol: Sun, for the sunshine of your life.
- Tesoro: Treasure
- Tio: Uncle (or used like Dude in Spain)
- Viejo: My old man, for the newly-adopted senior Chihuahua
Nicknames as Chihuahua Names

As they’ve moved into more and more aspects of our lives, it has become a real trend to use human names for our dogs now. These nicknames make cute Spanish Chihuahua names:
- Alejo: Alex
- Beto: Albert or Robert
- Calu: Claudia
- Chejo: Sergio
- Chepe: Joseph
- Chofo: Rudolph
- Fonsi: Frank or Alfonso
- Jano: Alexander
- Juampa: John Paul
- Kiko: Frederick
- Lalo: Edward
- Lena: Magdalena
- Leti: Leticia
- Licha: Alica
- Lola: Dolores
- Luchi: Lucy
- Lucho: Louis
- Lupe: Guadalupe
- Meme: Manuel
- Paco: Frank
- Pancho: Frank
- Pepe: Joseph
- Memo: William
- Mingo: Domingo
- Monchi: Raymond
- Nacho: Ignacio
- Nando: Ferdinand or Fernando
- Paquita: Frances
- Pepita: Josephine
- Quique: Henry
- Tita: Martha
Famous Chihuahuas
Chihuahuas have starred in many movies and TV shows; would one of these famous Chihuahua names be a good fit for your new little best friend?
- Héctor (from “Coco”)
- Jose (from “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3”)
- Juan Pablo (from “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3”)
- Lenny (from “Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore”)
- Luna (from “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2”). Luna is always one of the most popular dog names.
- Mango (from “Legally Blonde 2”)
- Papi (from “Beverly Hills Chihuahua”)
- Pedro (from “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2”)
- Pepe (from “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3”)
- Phil (from “Hotel for Dogs”)
- Ren (from “Ren & Stimpy”)
- Ricardo (from “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3”)
- Rooster (from “Open Season”)
- Rosita (from “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2”)
- Ruby Sue (from “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”)
- Sparky (from “Beverly Hills Chihuahua”)
- Stella (from “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3”)
- Sylvester (from “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3”)
- Taco (from “The Nut Job”)
- Tito (from “Oliver & Company”)
- Viva (from “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3”)
- Winston (from “New Girl”)
Cute Chi Names that Will Make You Smile
Play off your dog’s diminutive size with a Chihuahua dog name that reflects the cuteness of your best friend!
- Bitsy
- Bitty
- Candy
- ChiChi
- Itsy
- LilBit
- MiniMe
- Minnie
- Pip
- Shrimpy
- Skeeter
- Sweet Pea
- Tater Tot
- Thumbelina
- Tiny
- Tinkerbell
- Wee
Did you know the Chihuahua is celebrated every year on International Chihuahua Appreciation Day?
Funny Chihuahua Names
Your small Chihuahua is big at heart; these funny Chihuhua names play up the big aspects of his character. These also make funny names for teacup Chihuahuas!
- Amazon
- Bigfoot
- Biggie
- Bruiser
- Bruno
- Butch
- Colossus
- Fang
- Godzilla
- Goliath
- Hercules
- Hurricane
- Jumbo
- King Kong
- Loki
- Marmaduke
- Mr. Big
- Sheena
- Spike
- Tank
- T-Rex
- Thunder
- Wolverine
- Yeti
Names Related to the State of Chihuahua

Chihuahuas may be the smallest of dogs–but the state of Chihuahua is the largest of the Mexican states. Located south of El Paso, Texas, the state is home to the Chihuahuan Desert as well as more forests than anyplace else in Mexico. It’s also home to Copper Canyon, often compared to Grand Canyon although the Mexican chasm is four times larger and over 300 feet deeper than its American counterpart.
If you are looking for an exotic Chihuahua name, consider some of these place names:
Chepe: The nickname of the Chihuahua al Pacifico railway, often called one of the three most scenic train trips in the world. Chepe is also a common nickname for José.
Concho: The Conchos River winds through Chihuahua; Concho means shell in Spanish.
Copper or Cobre: Copper Canyon or Barranca del Cobre is a remote area tucked deep within Mexico’s Sierra Madre mountains, located west of the town of Chihuahua. The copper-colored lichens that thrive on steep walls are responsible for the canyon’s name, a moniker which, in fact, refers to not one but to over 20 canyons that make up this spectacular sight.
Creel: The highest elevation along the Copper Canyon journey is in Creel, a logging town perched at nearly 8000 feet. The streets here are narrow, traveled only by a few dusty cars as well as burros and horses.
Cumbre: Cumbre–or summit in English–names several local spots in Chihuahua but nowhere more so than Cumbres de Majalca National Park.
Divisadero: a small village on the canyon rim.
Fuerte: El Fuerte (or fort) is a 16th century colonial settlement.
Mirador: Mirador–or “lookout” in English–is the best known inn in Copper Canyon and a great name for your Chihuahua who is always on the lookout.
Pacifico: Meaning Pacific or “peaceful,” the Chihuahua al Pacifico railway linked Copper Canyon to the rest of the world with 86 tunnels, countless switchbacks, and 37 bridges.
Piedra: Chihuahua’s Piedra Volada (Flying Stone) Falls are one of the highest waterfalls in Mexico. Piedra — or stone — can describe the rock-solid devotion your Chihuahua shows to your family.
Piñon: Piñon Pine mark the highest elevations in the canyon.
Raramuri: The name by which Copper Canyon’s indigenous population of over 50,000 Tarahumara Indians who live in caves along the canyon rim. Raramuri or “light feet” is an apt description of the people who have earned a reputation as long distance runners, having been to known to hunt deer by literally chasing them until the deer drop from exhaustion. And for fun, the spry canyon residents hold two-day races called rarajipari during which the competitors run and kick a wooden ball for distances of up to 100 miles, wearing handmade sandals made from tires.
Sierra: The Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range (which further north includes the Rocky Mountains) runs through the state of Chihuahua. Sierra–or mountain range– is a feminine name used to denote strength, just like the fortitude seen in your furry family member.
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