Giving dogs human names has become more and more of a trend as dogs have moved into their position as family members. We’ve pulled together a list of 1000 boy dog names, arranged alphabetically.
There’s been a trend the last few years to select human names for our dogs. There might not be anything cuter than a male dog running over to respond to the name of Walter or Louis.
These classic names are pulled from Social Security data starting in 1880, old-fashioned dog names for your new good boy!

Classic Male Dog Names Starting with A
- Aaron: Enlightened
- Abe: Father of many
- Abel: Breath
- Abner: Father of light
- Adam: Man, earth
- Addison: Son of Adam
- Adelbert: Noble, bright
- Adolphus: Noble wolf
- Adrian: From Hadria
- Al: Noble, bright
- Alan: Harmony
- Alberich: Elf ruler
- Albert: Noble, bright
- Alberto: Noble, bright
- Albin: White
- Alden: Old friend
- Alejandro: Defender of men
- Alessio: Defender
- Alex: Defender
- Alexander: Defender of men
- Alfonso: Noble, ready
- Alford: Old ford
- Alfred: Elf counsel
- Alfredo: Elf counsel
- Allan: Harmony
- Allen: Harmony
- Allie: Noble, bright
- Alma: Nourishing
- Alonzo: Noble, ready
- Aloysius: Famous warrior
- Alphonse: Noble, ready
- Alphonso: Noble, ready
- Alton: Old town
- Alva: Elf
- Alvah: Elf
- Alvin: Noble friend
- Ambrose: Immortal
- Amos: Burdened
- Anderson: Son of Andrew
- Andre: Manly
- Andres: Manly
- Andrew: Manly
- Andy: Manly
- Angel: Messenger
- Angelo: Angel
- Angus: One strength
- Anthony: Priceless
- Antoine: Priceless
- Anton: Priceless
- Antone: Priceless
- Antonio: Priceless
- Arch: Bold, genuine
- Archibald: Truly bold
- Archie: Truly bold
- Arlie: Hare meadow
- Armand: Soldier
- Armando: Soldier
- Arnie: Eagle power
- Arnold: Eagle power
- Arther: Noble, strong
- Arthur: Noble, strong
- Artie: Noble, strong
- Arturo: Noble, strong
- Aubrey: Elf ruler
- August: Majestic
- Augustus: Great, magnificent
- Austin: Great, magnificent
- Avery: Elf ruler
- Axel: Father of peace
- Barney: Brave, strong
- Barry: Fair-haired
- Bart: Son of Talmai
- Basil: Regal
- Ben: Son
- Benjamin: Son of the right hand
- Benjiman: Variant of Benjamin
- Bennett: Blessed
- Bennie: Blessed
- Benny: Blessed
- Bernard: Brave as a bear
- Berry: Small fruit
- Bert: Bright
- Bertram: Bright raven
- Bill: Resolute protector
- Billie: Resolute protector
- Billy: Resolute protector
- Bishop: Overseer
- Blaine: Yellow
- Blair: Field, plain
- Blake: Dark, fair
- Bob: Bright fame
- Bobbie: Bright fame
- Bobby: Bright fame
- Booker: Beech tree
- Boyd: Yellow-haired
- Brad: Broad meadow
- Bradford: Broad ford
- Bradley: Broad meadow
- Brady: Spirited, broad
- Brandon: Broom hill
- Brendan: Prince
- Brent: Steep hill
- Bret: Briton
- Brett: Briton
- Brian: High, noble
- Bruce: Woods
- Bruno: Brown
- Bryan: High, noble
- Bryant: Strong
- Bryce: Speckled
- Bryon: Bear
- Buck: Male deer
- Bud: Friend
- Buddy: Friend
- Buford: Ford near a castle
- Burl: Knotty wood
- Burt: Bright
- Burton: Fortified town
- Buster: Tough guy
- Byron: Barn for cows
Human Names for Boy Dogs Starting with C
- Cal: Devotion
- Caleb: Faithful, brave
- Calvin: Bald
- Cameron: Crooked nose
- Carey: From the fort
- Carl: Free man
- Carlos: Free man
- Carlton: Free man’s town
- Carmine: Song
- Carrol: Champion
- Carroll: Champion
- Carter: Cart driver
- Cary: From the fort
- Casey: Vigilant, watchful
- Casimir: Peacemaker
- Casper: Treasurer
- Cassius: Vain
- Cecil: Blind
- Cedric: Bounty
- Cesar: Hairy
- Chad: Warrior
- Chadwick: Dairy farm
- Charles: Free man
- Charley: Free man
- Charlie: Free man
- Chas: Free man
- Chauncey: Chancellor
- Chester: Fortress
- Chris: Christ-bearer
- Christian: Follower of Christ
- Christopher: Christ-bearer
- Chuck: Free man
- Cicero: Chickpea
- Clarence: Clear, luminous
- Clark: Clerk, scholar
- Claud: Lame
- Claude: Lame
- Clay: Earth, soil
- Clayton: Clay settlement
- Clem: Merciful
- Clement: Merciful, mild
- Cleo: Glory
- Cletus: Called
- Cleve: Cliff, land
- Cleveland: Land of cliffs
- Cliff: Cliff, slope
- Clifford: Ford by a cliff
- Clifton: Town by a cliff
- Clint: Settlement near the headland
- Clinton: Town on a hill
- Clyde: Heard from afar
- Cody: Helpful
- Coleman: Dove
- Colin: Young dog
- Columbus: Dove
- Conrad: Bold counsel
- Corey: Hollow
- Cornelius: Horn
- Cory: Hollow
- Coy: Woods, forest
- Craig: Rock, crag
- Crawford: Ford by the crows
- Curt: Courteous
- Curtis: Courteous
- Cyril: Lordly
- Cyrus: Sun, lord
Don’t miss our post on 1000+ Girl Dog Names
- Dale: Valley
- Dallas: Skilled
- Dalton: Valley town
- Damian: To tame
- Damon: To tame
- Dan: God is my judge
- Dana: From Denmark
- Dane: From Denmark
- Daniel: God is my judge
- Dannie: God is my judge
- Danny: God is my judge
- Daren: Great
- Darin: Great
- Darius: Wealthy
- Darnell: Hidden nook
- Darrel: Darling
- Darrell: Darling
- Darren: Great
- Darrick: People’s ruler
- Darrin: Great
- Darryl: Darling
- Darwin: Dear friend
- Daryl: Darling
- Dave: Beloved
- David: Beloved
- Davis: Son of David
- Dean: Valley
- Delbert: Bright as day
- Dell: Small valley
- Delmar: Of the sea
- Delmer: Of the sea
- Demetrius: Follower of Demeter
- Denis: Dedicated to Dionysus
- Dennis: Dedicated to Dionysus
- Denny: Dedicated to Dionysus
- Denver: Green valley
- Deon: Divine
- Derek: Ruler of people
- Derick: Ruler of people
- Derrick: Ruler of people
- Devin: Poet
- Dewayne: Dark, swarthy
- Dewey: Beloved
- Dewitt: White
- Dexter: Right-handed
- Dick: Brave ruler
- Dickie: Brave ruler
- Dino: Little sword
- Dion: Child of heaven and earth
- Dirk: Ruler of people
- Dock: Doctor
- Dominic: Belonging to God
- Dominick: Belonging to God
- Don: Ruler of the world
- Donald: World ruler
- Donn: Dark
- Donnell: World mighty
- Donnie: World ruler
- Donny: World ruler
- Donovan: Dark warrior
- Dorothy: Gift of God
- Dorsey: Dark
- Doug: Dark river
- Douglas: Dark river
- Doyle: Dark stranger
- Drew: Manly
- Duane: Dark, swarthy
- Dudley: People’s field
- Dustin: Brave warrior
- Dwayne: Dark, swarthy
- Dwight: White
- Dylan: Great tide
- Earl: Nobleman
- Earle: Nobleman
- Early: Noble leader
- Earnest: Serious
- Ed: Wealthy guardian
- Edd: Wealthy guardian
- Eddie: Wealthy guardian
- Eddy: Wealthy guardian
- Edgar: Wealthy spearman
- Edmond: Wealthy protector
- Edmund: Wealthy protector
- Eduardo: Wealthy guardian
- Edward: Wealthy guardian
- Edwin: Wealthy friend
- Egbert: Bright edge
- Elbert: Noble, bright
- Eldon: Old hill
- Eli: Ascended, uplifted
- Elias: The Lord is my God
- Elijah: The Lord is my God
- Elisha: God is salvation
- Elliot: The Lord is my God
- Elliott: The Lord is my God
- Ellis: Benevolent
- Ellsworth: Nobleman’s estate
- Elmer: Noble, famous
- Elmo: Protector
- Elmore: Moor
- Elton: Old town
- Elvin: Elf friend
- Elwood: Old wood
- Elza: Noble
- Elzie: Noble
- Emanuel: God is with us
- Emerson: Emery’s son
- Emery: Brave, powerful
- Emil: Rival
- Emile: Rival
- Emilio: Rival
- Emmet: Truth
- Emmett: Truth
- Emmitt: Truth
- Emory: Brave, powerful
- Enoch: Dedicated
- Enos: Man
- Enrique: Home ruler
- Ephraim: Fruitful
- Erastus: Beloved
- Eric: Eternal ruler
- Erich: Eternal ruler
- Erick: Eternal ruler
- Erik: Eternal ruler
- Erin: From Ireland
- Ernest: Serious, battle to the death
- Ernesto: Serious
- Ernie: Serious
- Errol: Nobleman, warrior
- Ervin: Beautiful
- Erwin: Friend of the sea
- Ethan: Firm, strong
- Eugene: Well-born
- Evan: The Lord is gracious
- Everett: Brave as a wild boar
- Everette: Brave as a wild boar
- Evert: Brave as a wild boar
- Ezekiel: God strengthens
- Ezra: Help
- Felipe: Friend of horses
- Felix: Happy, fortunate
- Ferdinand: Bold voyager
- Fernando: Adventurous, daring
- Fletcher: Arrow maker
- Florence: Blossoming, flourishing
- Floyd: Gray
- Ford: River crossing
- Forest: Woodsman
- Forrest: Woodsman
- Foster: Forest guardian
- Frances: Free one
- Francis: Free one
- Francisco: Free one
- Frank: Free one
- Frankie: Free one
- Franklin: Free landholder
- Fred: Peaceful ruler
- Freddie: Peaceful ruler
- Freddy: Peaceful ruler
- Frederic: Peaceful ruler
- Frederick: Peaceful ruler
- Fredric: Peaceful ruler
- Fredrick: Peaceful ruler
- Freeman: Free man
- Fritz: Peaceful ruler
- Furman: Furrier, trader
- Gabriel: God is my strength
- Gail: Joyful
- Gale: Lively, pleasant
- Galen: Calm
- Garfield: Battlefield
- Garland: Wreath, prize
- Garrett: Spear strength
- Garry: Spear warrior
- Gary: Spear warrior
- Gayle: Joyful
- Gene: Well-born
- General: Leader, commander
- Geo: Earth
- Geoffrey: God’s peace
- George: Farmer
- Gerald: Ruler with spear
- Gerard: Brave with spear
- Gerardo: Brave with spear
- Gerry: Spear warrior
- Gilbert: Bright pledge
- Gilberto: Bright pledge
- Giles: Young goat
- Glen: Valley
- Glenn: Valley
- Gordon: Great hill
- Grady: Noble, illustrious
- Grant: Large
- Granville: Big town
- Green: Verdant, fresh
- Greg: Vigilant, watchful
- Gregg: Vigilant, watchful
- Gregory: Vigilant, watchful
- Grover: Grove dweller
- Guadalupe: River of the wolf
- Guillermo: Resolute protector
- Gus: Great, magnificent
- Gust: Staff of the Goths
- Gustav: Staff of the Goths
- Gustave: Staff of the Goths
- Gustavo: Staff of the Goths
- Guy: Guide, leader
- Hal: Home ruler
- Hallie: Heroine
- Hamilton: Flat-topped hill
- Hans: God is gracious
- Harding: Brave, hardy
- Hardy: Bold, brave
- Harlan: Rocky land
- Harley: Hare’s meadow
- Harmon: Soldier, warrior
- Harold: Army ruler
- Harris: Son of Harry
- Harrison: Son of Harry
- Harry: Home ruler
- Harve: Battle worthy
- Harvey: Battle worthy
- Haywood: Hedged forest
- Heath: Heathland
- Hector: Steadfast
- Henery: Home ruler
- Henry: Home ruler
- Herbert: Illustrious warrior
- Herman: Soldier, warrior
- Herschel: Deer
- Hershel: Deer
- Hiram: Exalted brother
- Hobart: Bright intellect
- Hobert: Bright intellect
- Hollis: Holly trees
- Homer: Hostage or pledge
- Horace: Timekeeper
- Horatio: Timekeeper
- Houston: Hugh’s town
- Howard: Heart brave
- Howell: Eminent
- Hoyt: Spirit, mind
- Hubert: Bright heart
- Huey: Heart, mind, spirit
- Hugh: Heart, mind, spirit
- Hugo: Mind, intellect
- Hyman: Life
- Ian: God is gracious
- Ike: He laughs
- Ira: Watchful
- Irvin: Green water
- Irving: Green river
- Irwin: Boar friend
- Isaac: He laughs
- Isadore: Gift of Isis
- Isaiah: Salvation of the Lord
- Isiah: Salvation of the Lord
- Ismael: God will hear
- Isom: Variant of Isam (self-made)
- Israel: Wrestled with God
- Issac: He laughs
- Ivan: God is gracious
- Ivory: White, pure
James ranks as the #1 boy name in the US for the past 100 years.
- Jack: God is gracious
- Jackie: God is gracious
- Jackson: Son of Jack
- Jacob: Supplanter
- Jaime: Supplanter
- Jake: Supplanter
- Jamal: Beauty
- James: Supplanter
- Jamey: Supplanter
- Jamie: Supplanter
- Jan: God is gracious
- Jared: He descends
- Jarrod: He descends
- Jason: Healer
- Jasper: Treasurer
- Javier: Bright
- Jay: Jaybird
- Jayson: Healer
- Jean: God is gracious
- Jeff: Peaceful territory
- Jefferson: Son of Geoffrey
- Jeffery: Peaceful territory
- Jeffrey: Peaceful territory
- Jeffry: Peaceful territory
- Jennings: Little John
- Jerald: Ruler with spear
- Jeremiah: Exalted by the Lord
- Jeremy: Exalted by the Lord
- Jerold: Ruler with spear
- Jerome: Sacred name
- Jerrold: Ruler with spear
- Jerry: Ruler with spear
- Jess: Wealthy
- Jesse: Gift
- Jessie: Wealthy
- Jesus: God is salvation
- Jewel: Precious stone
- Jim: Supplanter
- Jimmie: Supplanter
- Jimmy: Supplanter
- Jody: Praised
- Joe: He will add
- Joel: The Lord is God
- Joesph: He will add
- Joey: He will add
- John: God is gracious
- Johnathan: God has given
- Johnie: God is gracious
- Johnnie: God is gracious
- Johnny: God is gracious
- Johnson: Son of John
- Jon: God is gracious
- Jonas: Dove
- Jonathan: God has given
- Jonathon: God has given
- Jordan: To flow down
- Jorge: Farmer
- Jose: He will add
- Joseph: He will add
- Josh: God is salvation
- Joshua: God is salvation
- Josiah: God supports
- Juan: God is gracious
- Judge: Decision maker
- Judson: Son of Jordan
- Jules: Youthful
- Julian: Youthful
- Julio: Youthful
- Julius: Youthful
- Junior: Younger
- Junius: Youthful
- Justin: Just, righteous
- Karl: Free man
- Keith: Wood, forest
- Kelly: Warrior
- Kelvin: River man
- Ken: Handsome
- Kendall: Valley of the River Kent
- Kenneth: Handsome
- Kennith: Handsome
- Kenny: Handsome
- Kent: Edge
- Kermit: Free man
- Kerry: Dark-haired
- Kevin: Handsome, beloved
- Kim: Bold family
- King: Ruler
- Kirby: Church settlement
- Kirk: Church
- Kris: Christ-bearer
- Kristopher: Christ-bearer
- Kurt: Courteous
- Kurtis: Courteous
- Kyle: Narrow strait
- Lafayette: Faith
- Lamar: Of the sea
- Lamont: Law man
- Lance: Land
- Lane: Path
- Lanny: Renowned land
- Larkin: Fierce
- Larry: Laurel-crowned
- Laurence: Laurel-crowned
- Lawrence: Laurel-crowned
- Lawson: Son of Lawrence
- Leander: Lion-man
- Lee: Meadow
- Leland: Fallow land
- Lem: Devoted to God
- Lemuel: Devoted to God
- Lenard: Brave lion
- Leo: Lion
- Leon: Lion
- Leonard: Brave lion
- Leroy: The king
- Leslie: Holly garden
- Lester: Fortified camp
- Leto: Joy
- Levi: Joined, attached
- Lew: Famous warrior
- Lewis: Famous warrior
- Lige: Short for Elijah
- Linwood: Lime tree forest
- Lionel: Young lion
- Lloyd: Grey
- Logan: Little hollow
- Lon: Noble, ready
- Lonnie: Noble, ready
- Lonzo: Noble, ready
- Loren: Laurel-crowned
- Lorenzo: Laurel-crowned
- Lou: Famous warrior
- Louie: Famous warrior
- Louis: Famous warrior
- Lowell: Young wolf
- Loyd: Grey
- Lucian: Light
- Lucien: Light
- Lucious: Light
- Lucius: Light
- Luis: Famous warrior
- Luke: Light
- Luther: People’s army
- Lyle: Island
- Lyman: Meadow-dweller
- Lynn: Lake, waterfall
- Mack: Son of
- Madison: Son of Maud
- Mahlon: Sickness
- Major: Greater
- Malcolm: Devotee of Saint Columba
- Manuel: God is with us
- Marc: Warlike
- Marco: Warlike
- Marcos: Warlike
- Marcus: Warlike
- Mario: Warlike
- Marion: Star of the sea
- Mark: Warlike
- Marlin: Sea fortress
- Marlon: Unknown meaning
- Marshall: Horse caretaker
- Martin: Warlike
- Marty: Warlike
- Marvin: Sea friend
- Mary: Wished-for child
- Mason: Stone worker
- Mat: Gift of God
- Mathew: Gift of God
- Mathias: Gift of God
- Matt: Gift of God
- Matthew: Gift of God
- Maurice: Dark-skinned
- Max: Greatest
- Maynard: Brave strength
- Mckinley: Son of the fair hero
- Melville: Bad settlement
- Melvin: Council protector
- Melvyn: Council protector
- Merle: Blackbird
- Merlin: Sea fortress
- Merrill: Shining sea
- Merritt: Boundary gate
- Merton: Lake town
- Mervin: Sea hill
- Michael: Who is like God?
- Micheal: Variant of Michael
- Michel: Who is like God?
- Mickey: Who is like God?
- Miguel: Who is like God?
- Mike: Who is like God?
- Miles: Merciful
- Milford: Mill ford
- Millard: Strong mill
- Milo: Soldier or merciful
- Milton: Mill town
- Minnie: Of the mind, intellect
- Minor: Younger
- Mitch: Who is like God?
- Mitchell: Who is like God?
- Monroe: Mouth of the Roe River
- Monte: Mountain
- Monty: Mountain
- Morgan: Sea-born
- Morris: Dark-skinned
- Morton: Moor town
- Mose: Drawn out
- Moses: Drawn out
- Murray: Settlement by the sea
- Myron: Myrrh, fragrance
- Napoleon: Lion of the new city
- Nat: Gift of God
- Nathan: He gave
- Nathaniel: Gift of God
- Neal: Champion
- Ned: Wealthy guardian
- Neil: Champion
- Nelson: Son of Neil
- Newton: New town
- Nicholas: Victory of the people
- Nick: Victory of the people
- Nicky: Victory of the people
- Noah: Rest, comfort
- Noble: Aristocratic
- Noel: Christmas
- Nolan: Descendant of the famous one
- Norbert: Northern brightness
- Norman: Man from the North
- Normand: Man from the North
- Norris: Northerner
- Odell: Woad hill
- Odis: Wealthy
- Ole: Ancestor’s descendant
- Olen: Holy, blessed
- Olin: Ancestor’s descendant
- Oliver: Olive tree
- Ollie: Olive tree
- Omar: Flourishing, long-lived
- Omer: Speaker
- Ora: Prayer
- Oran: Pale green
- Orin: Pale green
- Orlando: Famous land
- Orrin: Pale green
- Orval: Golden village
- Orville: Golden village
- Oscar: God spear
- Otho: Wealth
- Otis: Wealthy
- Otto: Wealthy
- Owen: Young warrior, well-born
- Pablo: Small, humble
- Parker: Park keeper
- Pasquale: Easter child
- Pat: Noble
- Patricia: Noble
- Patrick: Noble
- Patsy: Noble
- Paul: Small, humble
- Pearl: Precious
- Pedro: Rock
- Percy: Pierce valley
- Perley: Pearl
- Perry: Pear tree
- Pete: Rock
- Peter: Rock
- Phil: Lover of horses
- Philip: Lover of horses
- Phillip: Lover of horses
- Pierce: Rock
- Pink: Healthy
- Pleasant: Pleasing
- Porter: Gatekeeper
- Preston: Priest’s town
- Prince: Royal son
- Quentin: Fifth
- Quincy: Estate of the fifth son
- Quinn: Wise, counsel
- Rafael: God has healed
- Raleigh: Deer meadow
- Ralph: Wolf counsel
- Ramiro: Judicious
- Ramon: Wise protector
- Randal: Shield wolf
- Randall: Shield wolf
- Randell: Shield wolf
- Randolph: Shield wolf
- Randy: Shield wolf
- Ransom: Warrior’s shield
- Raul: Wolf counsel
- Ray: Counselor
- Raymond: Wise protector
- Reed: Red-haired
- Reggie: Ruler’s advisor
- Reginald: King’s advisor
- Rene: Reborn
- Reuben: Behold, a son
- Rex: King
- Reynaldo: Ruler’s advisor
- Ricardo: Brave ruler
- Richard: Brave ruler
- Rick: Brave ruler
- Rickey: Brave ruler
- Rickie: Brave ruler
- Ricky: Brave ruler
- Riley: Rye clearing
- Rob: Bright fame
- Robbie: Bright fame
- Robby: Bright fame
- Robert: Bright fame
- Roberto: Bright fame
- Robin: Bright fame
- Rocco: Rest
- Rocky: Rest
- Rod: Famous ruler
- Roderick: Famous ruler
- Rodger: Famous spear
- Rodney: Roda’s island
- Rodolfo: Famous wolf
- Rogelio: Famous spear
- Roger: Famous spear
- Roland: Famous land
- Rolando: Famous land
- Rolla: Famous land
- Rolland: Famous land
- Rollie: Famous land
- Rollin: Famous land
- Roman: From Rome
- Ron: Counselor, ruler
- Ronald: Counselor, ruler
- Ronnie: Counselor, ruler
- Ronny: Counselor, ruler
- Roosevelt: Rose field
- Rory: Red king
- Roscoe: Deer forest
- Ross: Promontory
- Roy: King
- Royal: Regal
- Royce: Son of Roy
- Ruben: Behold, a son
- Rubin: Behold, a son
- Rudolph: Famous wolf
- Rudy: Famous wolf
- Rufus: Red-haired
- Rupert: Bright fame
- Russ: Red-haired
- Russel: Red-haired
- Russell: Red-haired
- Rusty: Red-haired
- Ryan: Little king
Dog Names (Male) Starting with S
- Salvador: Savior
- Salvatore: Savior
- Sam: Told by God
- Sammie: Told by God
- Sammy: Told by God
- Samuel: Told by God
- Sandy: Defender of men
- Sanford: Sandy ford
- Saul: Prayed for
- Scot: Scottish
- Scott: Scottish
- Scottie: Scottish
- Scotty: Scottish
- Sean: God is gracious
- Sergio: Servant
- Seth: Appointed
- Seymour: Marshy land near the sea
- Shane: God is gracious
- Shannon: Old, wise
- Shaun: God is gracious
- Shawn: God is gracious
- Shelby: Willow farm
- Sheldon: Steep valley
- Sherman: Cloth cutter
- Shirley: Bright meadow
- Shon: God is gracious
- Sidney: Wide island
- Silas: Wood, forest
- Sim: Heard
- Simeon: Heard
- Simon: He has heard
- Smith: Metal worker
- Sol: Sun
- Solomon: Peaceful
- Spencer: Steward
- Squire: Knight’s attendant
- Stacey: Resurrection
- Stacy: Resurrection
- Stan: Stone
- Stanley: Stone clearing
- Stefan: Crown, wreath
- Stephan: Crown, wreath
- Stephen: Crown, wreath
- Sterling: High quality
- Steve: Crown, wreath
- Steven: Crown, wreath
- Stevie: Crown, wreath
- Stewart: Steward
- Stuart: Steward
- Sydney: Wide island
- Sylvester: Wooded, wild
- Taylor: Cloth cutter
- Ted: Wealthy guardian
- Teddy: Wealthy guardian
- Terence: Smooth
- Terrance: Smooth
- Terrell: Stubborn
- Terrence: Smooth
- Terry: Smooth
- Thaddeus: Heart
- Theodore: God’s gift
- Thomas: Twin
- Thurman: Servant of Thor
- Tim: Honoring God
- Timmy: Honoring God
- Timothy: Honoring God
- Tobe: God is good
- Toby: God is good
- Tod: Fox
- Todd: Fox
- Tom: Twin
- Tomas: Twin
- Tommie: Twin
- Tommy: Twin
- Tony: Priceless
- Tracey: Warlike
- Tracy: Warlike
- Travis: To cross
- Trent: Gushing waters
- Trevor: Large settlement
- Troy: Foot soldier
- Truman: Loyal one
- Turner: Lathe worker
- Ty: House
- Tyler: Tile maker
- Tyrone: Land of Owen
- Ulysses: Wrathful
- Valentine: Strong, healthy
- Van: Of
- Vance: Marshland
- Vaughn: Small
- Vern: Alder tree
- Verne: Alder tree
- Vernon: Alder tree grove
- Victor: Conqueror
- Vince: Conquering
- Vincent: Conquering
- Virgil: Staff bearer
- Vito: Life
- Wade: To go
- Waldo: Ruler
- Walker: Cloth walker
- Wallace: Foreigner, stranger
- Walter: Army ruler
- Ward: Guard
- Warner: Army defender
- Warren: Game park
- Wash: Short for Washington
- Washington: Town of Wassa’s people
- Wayne: Wagon builder
- Webster: Weaver
- Weldon: Hill near a well
- Wendell: Wanderer
- Wesley: Western meadow
- Wilber: Wild boar
- Wilbert: Bright will
- Wilbur: Bright will
- Wilburn: Bright will
- Wiley: Crafty
- Wilford: Willow ford
- Wilfred: Desires peace
- Will: Resolute protector
- Willard: Strongly resolute
- William: Resolute protector
- Willie: Resolute protector
- Willis: Resolute protector
- Wilmer: Famous desire
- Wilson: Son of Will
- Wilton: Farm by the spring
- Winfield: Friend’s field
- Winfred: Friend of peace
- Winston: Joy stone
- Woodrow: Row of houses by a wood
- Wyatt: Brave in war
- Zachary: Remembered by God
- Zack: Remembered by God
- Zane: God is gracious
How to select a name for your puppy or newly adopted dog
With so many male dog names to choose from, how to select just one?
The American Kennel Club issued some good tips to keep in mind when selecting that important boy puppy name:
- Observe your dog for a few days to learn more about his character. You might want a name that suggests his personality; if he loves to be the center of attention, a name like King or Star might be appropriate.
- Look for short, sweet names of one or two syllables.
- Look at names that end in a vowel like Rocky or Louie.
- Don’t choose a name that’s too long; you’ll confuse your dog.
- Don’t pick a name that sounds like a command. They point out that “Joe” sounds like “No.” We once knew a dog owner with a dog named “Noel” who had the same problem.
- If you name your dog after a friend or relative, ask their permission first. (They may or may not be honored!)
More Ideas for Boy Dog Names:
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