Are you searching for dog names that start with B for your new puppy or foster dog? We’ve been scouring the Internet for catchy names that will have your new dog wagging.

Our Own “B” Name Dog!
We selected a B dog name for our new puppy when we adopted Barli a few years ago! His shelter name was Baby Bear but we were looking for a name that ended in a Y sound (to match our Tiki) so opted for the Swiss-German Bärli (little bear).

“B” Dog Names
Whether you’re looking for a name that starts with a B to perhaps match the name of your other dog (or your own name!) or you’re a shelter employee looking for enough B dog names to name a whole litter of puppies, we’ve got you covered!
Give some of these names a try and see how they feel as you call your new dog. Below you’ll find both female dog names and male dog names–but many work for both!
- B.B.
- B.J.
- Baba
- Babe
- Babel
- Babette
- Baboon
- Babs
- Baby
- Baby Bear
- Baby Cakes
- Baby Face
- Baby Ruth (see our Candy Dog Names list for more ideas)
- Babybird
- Babylon
- Bacardi
- Bacchus
- Bach
- Bachelor
- Bachelorette
- Backer
- Backlink
- Backup
- Bacon
- Bada
- Badger
- Badri
- Baedeker
- Bagel
- Baggi
- Baguette
- Bahama
- Bai
- Bailey
- Bairn
- Bakar
- Baker
- Baklava
- Baklava
- Baldi
- Bali
- Ballerina
- Ballet
- Balloon
- Bally
- Ballyhoo
- Balmy
- Baloo
- Bambam
- Bambi
- Bambino
- Bamboo
- Bamboozle
- Bamm-Bamm
- Banana
- Bananaman
- Bananarama
- Bandana
- Bandi
- Bandit
- Bandwidth
- Banh Mi
- Banjo
- Banks
- Banksy
- Banshee
- Banzai
- Baptista
- Baptiste
- Baqi
- Barbara
- Barbarella
- Barbie
- Barbossa
- Barcode
- Bardot
- Barkie
- Barkley
- Barley
- Barli
- Barman
- Barnaby
- Barnacle
- Barney
- Barnie
- Barnum
- Baron
- Barracuda
- Barrel
- Barrett
- Barrie
- Barry
- Bart
- Bart Simpson
- Bartley
- Barto
- Bartok
- Barton
- Barty
- Bashful
- Basil
- Basma
- Basmati
- Bassy
- Batgirl
- Batik
- Batman
- Batter
- Battleship
- Batty
- Bawdy
- Baxter
- Baybee
- Baylie
- Baylor
- Bayou
- Baz
- Bazooka
- BB
- Beachcomber
- Beachy
- Beady
- Beamy
- Bean
- Beanie
- Bear
- Bearclaw
- Beast
- Beasty
- Beasty Boy
- Beatnik
- Beatrice
- Beau
- Beaucoup
- Beautiful
- Beauty
- Beaux
- Beaver
- Beavis
- Bebe
- Bebop
- Becci
- Beck
- Beckett
- Beckham
- Bede
- Bedhead
- Bedlam
- Bee
- Beefy
- BeeGee
- Beer
- Beery
- Beethoven
- Beetle
- Befriend
- Begin
- Beigy
- Belinda
- Belisma
- Belita
- Bella
- Bellamy
- Bellini
- Bellissima
- Belly
- Belly
- Belmont
- Belo
- Beloved
- Beltran
- Beluga
- Ben
- Ben-Hur
- Bendy
- Benedict
- Benicio
- Benito
- Benjamin
- Benji
- Benjiman
- Benjy
- Bennett
- Bennie
- Benno
- Benny
- Benson
- Bentley
- Benton
- Beowulf
- Bernard
- Bernice
- Bernie
- Berry
- Bert
- Bertha
- Bertram
- Bertrand
- Beryl
- Besame
- Bess
- Bessie
- Bestie
- Besty
- Beta
- Betty
- Betty Boop
- Betty White
- Betwixt
- Beverly
- Bevin
- Bevo
- Bevvy
- Bevy
- Bewitch
- Bewitched
- Beyonce
- Bianca
- Bibi
- Biblio
- Biff
- Big Bopper
- Big Boy
- Big Mac
- Bigfoot
- Biggie
- Bigly
- Bigwig
- Bijou
- Biker
- Bikini
- Bilbo
- Bill
- Billabong
- Billie
- Billy
- Billy the Kid
- Biltmore
- Bindy
- Bing
- Bing Bong
- Bingo
- Binti
- Birdie
- Birdo
- Biscuit
- Bishop
- Bitcoin
- Bitmap
- Bitsy
- Bitters
- Bitty
- Bizzy
- Bjorn
- Blabby
- Black Eyed Pea
- Black Panther
- Blackberry
- Blackfire
- Blackout
- Blaine
- Blair
- Blaise
- Blake
- Blanc
- Blanca
- Blanco
- Blarney
- Blaze
- Blazer
- Bleu
- Blimey
- Blimy
- Blinky
- Bliss
- Bliss
- Blizzard
- Blocky
- Blonde
- Blondie
- Bloomy
- Blossom
- Blowfish
- Blue
- Blue Moon
- Blue Ribbon
- BlueBell
- Blueberry
- Bluejay
- Blues
- Bluesy
- Bluey
- Blush
- Bo
- Bo Peep
- Boaty
- Bob
- Boba Fett
- Bobbie
- Bobbit
- Bobby
- Bobcat
- Bobster
- Bode
- Boden
- Bodhi
- Bodie
- Boffo
- Boho
- Boink
- Boise
- Bojack
- Boldly
- Bolivar
- Bolo
- Bolt
- Bombay
- Bon Bon
- Bonafide
- Bonanza
- Bond
- Bondi
- Bones
- Bongo
- Bonhomie
- Bonjour
- Bonnie
- Bonny
- Bonus
- Bonzer
- Boo
- Boo Boo
- Boo Radley
- Booker
- Boolie
- Boomer
- Boomerang
- Boon
- Boone
- Boost
- Booster
- Boots
- Bootsie
- Bootstrap
- Bopper
- Bora
- Borat
- Boris
- Bosch
- Bosco
- Boso
- Boss
- Boss Baby
- Bossa-nova
- Bossi
- Bossy
- Bossypants
- Boston
- Bothy
- Bottlecap
- Bouclé
- Boulder
- Bouncer
- Bouncy
- Bounty
- Bouquet
- Bourbon
- Bourne
- Bowen
- Bowie
- Bowser
- Boxy
- Boyce
- Boyd
- Braden
- Bradford
- Bradley
- Brady
- Brahma
- Brain
- Brainiac
- Brainy
- Bramble
- Bran
- Brandon
- Brandy
- Branson
- Brantley
- Brasilia
- Brassy
- Bratwurst
- Brava
- Bravado
- Brave
- Bravery
- Brawny
- Brax
- Braxton
- Brayan
- Brayden
- Braylen
- Braylon
- Breaker
- Brecken
- Bree
- Breeze
- Breezy
- Brendan
- Brent
- Brew
- Brewery
- Brian
- Brianna
- Briar
- Briar
- Brice
- Bridger
- Brie
- Briggs
- Brighton
- Brilliant
- Brillo
- Brioche
- Brisbane
- Brisket
- Briskly
- Bristol
- Britannia
- Britney
- Britt
- Brixton
- Bro
- Bro-man
- Broadway
- Broccoli
- Brock
- Brocket
- Brodie
- Brody
- Brogue
- Bron
- Bronco
- Bronn
- Bronson
- Bronte
- Bronte
- Bronx
- Bronzy
- Brooklyn
- Brooks
- Brother
- Brown
- Brownie
- Browser
- Bruce
- Bruce Lee
- Bruce Wayne
- Bruiser
- Bruja
- Bruno
- Brutus
- Bryan
- Bryant
- Bryce
- Brycen
- Bryn
- Bryson
- Bubba
- Bubblegum
- Bubbles
- Bubbly
- Buck
- Buckaroo
- Bucko
- Buckwheat
- Bucky
- Bud
- Buddie
- Buddy
- Buena
- Bueno
- Buffalo Bill
- Buffy
- Buford
- Buggs Bunny
- Bugsy
- Buick
- Bulldozer
- Bullet
- Bullfrog
- Bullseye
- Bullwinkle
- Bully
- Bumble
- Bumblebee
- Bunbun
- Bunko
- Bunny
- Bunsen
- Buoy
- Burberry
- Burger
- Burger King
- Burl
- Burlap
- Burley
- Burly
- Burma
- Burnell
- Burnett
- Burt
- Burton
- Bushman
- Bushwacker
- Buster
- Busy
- Butch
- Butler
- Butter
- Buttercup
- Butterfinger
- Butterfly
- Buttermilk
- Butternut
- Butters
- Butterscotch
- Buttery
- Button
- Buttons
- Buzzy
- Byrd
- Byron
Looking for more names?
While we’ve selected a lot of cute dog names for our dog list that you might not name a human baby (you don’t meet many people named Brisket or Butterscotch), sites with names for two-legged babies can be a good resource, too. Give a try for names and their meanings.
And we’ve got an entire section of Dog Names, from Harry Potter dog names (and their meanings) to Cowboy Dog Names to Chihuahua Names!
And we have other letters from which to choose such as Dog Names that Start with A and Dog Names that Start with D (with meanings!).
Pin It to Remember these B Dog Names

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