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Do You Think Your Dog Might Have Allergies?

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We received a free allergy test kit from Affordable Pet Testing; all statements and opinions are entirely our own.

Austin and allergies go hand in hand–or, for many dogs, paw in paw. With our temperate climate, each season brings a new allergy threat: Mountain Cedar, Spring Trees, Summer Grasses, and Ragweed/Pigweed. That, of course, is on top of the usual mold and flower allergies–not to mention food sensitivities. I have had allergies my entire life (and have asthma) so I keep a close eye on the pollen count throughout the year.

Just as allergies impact our daily lives, the same is true for our dogs. And, not only are they breathing the same pollen-laden air that we are, but they’re doing it from inches off the ground, where they’re in contact with that blooming grass, fallen pollen, and mold spores.

Since Barli came to our house in mid-March, we’ve noticed red bumps on his belly. He’ll have them for a few days, they’ll disappear, then a few days later they return in a new spot. I believe they’re fire ant bites (and our vet agreed) but I’d like to know if he might also be having an allergic reaction to some of the plants in the yard.

We just had the opportunity to test Barli for 300 food and environmental intolerances through Affordable Pet Testing’s Intolerance Test for Pets. The test looks at pet food ingredients, environmental factors and more.

The test uses bio-resonance technology, looking at the DNA-type information stored in hair (and fur). According to their site:

Bio-resonance technology has been in use for over 50 years and continues to be researched, developed and improved. The technology can be mainly found in Northern Europe and Scandinavia, where medical practitioners often use it.

The test is super simple: mail in 10-15 strands of your pet’s hair and in seven to ten days you will receive a comprehensive report as to your pet’s allergies. The length of the fur doesn’t matter although strands of one-inch or longer are preferred. Ideally they prefer a root of the hair but you can also cut the hair as close to the root as possible.

Once I collected the strands, I put them inside a parchment envelope then placed that envelope in an anti-static envelope, all included with the test. I mailed the sample to Georgia and now I’ll wait for results.

The report will show the level of intolerance to the items along with information on how to interpret the test results. Barli’s test results will be ready in about 7-10 days after they receive his sample this week so stay tuned for the report about Barli’s possible allergies! Once I have the information from the homeopathic test, I’ll have information that I can share with our veterinarian, yet another piece of Barli’s puzzle!

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Paris Permenter
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