We all know that with pets come pet messes, from fur to pawprints. Here’s our list of 17 must have cleaning supplies for pet homes–including a list of inexpensive natural cleansers you won’t want to be without!

Natural Cleaners for Pet Households
White vinegar
Dilute white vinegar with water (half and half for most cleaning jobs, full strength vinegar if it’s particularly greasy).
This mixture is great for cleaning countertops, stoves, doors, windows, and more…and it won’t hurt Fido.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Vinegar is such a great, low cost cleaning product that we couldn’t just give it one place on our list so we’ve added apple cider vinegar, too!
We use apple cider vinegar, diluted with water, to mop our floors and we add it to the rinse water when washing our pet bedding, too.
It deters fleas naturally (and it doesn’t smell as much like a pickle jar as white vinegar!)
Olive oil and lemon wood cleaner
Polish your furniture with a simple homemade wood cleaner; just combine a cup of olive oil with half a cup of lemon juice.
Baking soda
Inexpensive baking soda is a must-have; it can clean grout and serve as a carpet deodorizer.
Dishwashing liquid
Apartment Guide’s article recommends a drop of dishwashing liquid in a cup of water to create a quick spot cleaner and we concur! Dawn is an especially animal-friendly brand if it gets on Fido’s paws.
Corn starch
Like baking soda, corn starch can freshen your carpet; it can also absorb grease stains, be made into a paste to clean silver, and used as a dry shampoo for a waterless dog bath!
Cleaning Supplies for Pet Homes
Broom and dustpan
We have not one but two brooms!
Black light
OK, accidents happen…and sometimes we know there’s dog or cat urine and we just can’t pinpoint where. With an inexpensive black light, you’ll be able to turn off the lights, flick on the blacklight, and the urine spot will glow. Really.
Rags and/or paper towels
Whether it’s the occasional accident, a hairball, or vomit, pet messes happen. Be ready with a disposable rag or paper towel for the worst of the messes.
Wet Vacuum carpet extractor
If you have carpet in your home, a wet vacuum carpet extractor is priceless. It sprays water and cleanser into the carpet and extracts the liquid and stain.
Toilet brush and cover
Select a toilet brush and a protective cover to keep that brush away from your pets.
Microfiber sweeper
Pet hair has magical properties that allows it to travel beneath all furniture, out of reach of the vacuum. Be ready with a handy microfiber sweeper.
Vacuum cleaner
We are vacuum fiends in our home, not just to pick up the pet hair but also to reduce fleas. Purchase a vacuum with a HEPA filter to help filter out pet allergens, too.
Old toothbrush
Old toothbrushes (or extras you get at the dentist, if you have an electric toothbrush) are great for cleaning. They’re also super handy for cleaning out pet fountains!
Cotton swabs
Clean pet fountains, stuffable dog toys, and more with these inexpensive swabs.
Microfiber duster
If you have a cat (or, like us, four!) in your home, microfiber dusters are the way to go; a feather duster is just one big cat toy if you make that selection!
Rubber gloves
Rubber gloves aren’t just useful for protecting your hands from cleaning products; they’re also a great way to remove pet hair from upholstery! Put on a rubber glove, wet it, then wipe down the upholstery. The pet hair will roll right up!
What are your must-have cleaning products for your pet household?
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