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Review: Dog Tag Art

Product:  Dog Tag Art Virtual Leash What it is: Personalized pet tags linked to online profile Manufacturer: Dog Tag Art, Asheville, NC (Made in USA) DogTipper Review: In a case of necessity being the mother of invention, Dog Tag Art’s Virtual Leash system was launched in 2010 when founder Jack Carrier’s Labrador Retriever, Maggie, kept …

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Getting Our New #MaytagMoms Washer & Dryer

As I told you earlier this summer, we are SO excited to have been chosen #MaytagMoms to review the Maytag Bravos XL HE washer and dryer, especially as the pair applies to pet families like ours. We’ve been busy remodeling our laundry room so it’s almost as pretty as our new machines (looking at the …

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