This weekend I had planned to take advantage of the lower traffic that always accompanies a holiday weekend and do a little site redesign and rearranging. Today, while John handles a new set of product reviews (and the dogs nap), I thought I’d do just a few things and leave the rest until this weekend…and suddenly it’s six hours later and I’m still working on it!
You’ll see some new features and a slightly different look on the site now (although you may have to clear your browser’s cache to see the new version). Look for:
- a new, cleaner look to the masthead banner
- the covers of several magazines that DogTipper has been featured in over the past year
- the addition of the Google search box in the top navigation bar
- new social media buttons just below the newsletter signup form in the sidebar
- a new newsletter just for giveaways so you don’t miss any giveaways
- a new “Welcome” box with different photos of us
And, last but not least, we’re launching a new “Shop” tab! You’ll find the DogTipper Book Club with links to the books we’ve reviewed, a link to Freaky Dog People for some fun apparel, and a link to Surfpet for unique pet items for your dog or your cat! We’ll be adding some more shopping options in the coming weeks, too!
- Review: Jimmy BX7 Pro Anti-Mite Vacuum Cleaner - December 16, 2024
- 🎉 GIVEAWAY: Lord of the Pets Portrait of Your Dog! - November 26, 2024
- Review: Lord of the Pets Portraits - November 17, 2024