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Ask Dr. Diane: When to Get Another Dog


My 15-year-old dog passed away a month ago and my 1-year-old dog is depressed and lonely. I’d like to get another dog but wondered how long you suggest we wait?

I am sure your one-year-old regarded the fifteen-year-old as a “parent” figure as well as a best friend and family member. Animals grieve a loss as we do. Your dogs understand and love you – they also wish to comfort you. It is very likely that the one-year-old is not only grieving himself, but is also empathizing with your loss. After all, you are a beloved member of his family as he is of yours. Animals are highly telepathic. It is likely he is grieving AND sharing/empathizing with your loss.

Pay increased attention and increase your interaction and playtime with your one-year-old. Talk to him, and let him know that even though you miss the fifteen-year-old, and will always love him, you love the young dog very much. Hold, comfort, pet and praise him. If you have friends or relatives who have compatible dogs, arrange for play dates or visits or simply meeting times when you can all interact. Once you have celebrated, memorialized and mourned the life of your fifteen-year-old with your young dog and other friends or family members, you will know that you can, perhaps, best serve the memory of the dog you lost by adopting one in need of a loving home. Make certain your one-year-old meets the potential adoptee, and that they are compatible. After all, they will be lifelong siblings.

Dr. Pomerance is an animal behavior specialist and an expert on topics such as deciding which puppy is best for your family, how to pick out a rescue, and on healing from the loss of a pet.

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