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DogTipper interviewed JM, a talented artist who creates high-quality, unique paintings and drawings of pets through her websites, and Working with acrylic paints and colored pencils, JM’s pet portraits capture the essence of people’s beloved furry companions, creating one-of-a-kind treasures.

Please describe your business and your blog:

My name is JM and my doggies, Bailey & Nala, have been kind enough to allow me to share some of my artwork on their blog. I draw pet portraits with colored pencils and acrylic paints.

Can you tell us about your background and how you came to write about and draw pets?

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been involved in art. For a long while I painted on canvas using oils and acrylics, then I moved to pastels and chalk. For the past few years I’ve been using colored pencils — I love watching textures appear from the pencil lines. I have a BFA in an art-related field, but drawing animals is something I’ve always loved to do.

Can you tell us about your artwork?

My art has always been a hobby. I’ve never really wanted to go into a business involving art, because, as other artists may understand… I didn’t want to feel like I HAD to draw. One of my doggies, Bailey, has such beautiful bloggie friends. One day I came across a photo of one of her bloggie friends — it was just so beautiful that I had to draw him. When I decided to fill my portfolio with portraits of other dogs, cats, and other furries, I looked for more of Bailey’s bloggie friends, because they are all so beautiful. I really enjoy drawing, and spend a lot of time on each portrait making sure I capture the spirit of each one. I always start with the eyes, because that’s how I make a connection with each drawing. If the photo isn’t large and clear enough, I won’t be able to see enough detail to draw the details, so it’s very important to start out with a good photo.

What’s your typical workday like?

My workday consists of some website work (my own sites), and helping Bailey with her own website, I usually work on my drawings late at night, after everyone’s gone to sleep. I love working so late at night because it’s quiet, and I don’t have to worry about being interrupted. Depending on how I’m feeling, I could very well work right through to morning! 🙂

Can you tell us about your own pets?

I have 2 doggies, Bailey & Nala. Nala, an American Eskimo mix, was rescued when she was just 2 months old — she’ll be 14 in November. We rescued Bailey, a Belgian Shepherd mix, when she was 3 months old — she’ll be 2 years old in June. Bailey started her bloggie in December, 2010, when she was 6 months old. We encouraged her, because she was (and still is) a crazy, little puppy, and we wanted to share her with the world.

What else would you like the readers of to know about your work?

I try to make each drawing as realistic as possible. I prefer to draw furries that are looking directly out at me, so whoever is looking at the drawing, will feel a connection with it. If I ever draw your furry one and post a photo on, it is available for sale — just let me know that you’re interested. 🙂

What’s next for your business?

I am continuing to build my portfolio with portraits, and am accepting commissioned portrait orders of 5×7 and 8×10. I will also be offering my drawings to pet boutique clientele.

Contact information you would like to include (URL, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

You can view more photos and information here: I’d love to hear from you!

Pet portraits courtesy of the artist.

Paris Permenter
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