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145*365: Using the Snow Setting in the Summer!

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Does your camera have a Snow preset mode? If so, you can use it this summer, too!

I took these photos on tonight’s walk using my Blackberry, which has a Snow setting. Our road is caliche, which is bright white. It’s darker than snow but definitely a lot brighter than dirt, grass, or an asphalt road.

When you take a photo in snow or against another bright surface like our road or a sandy beach, your camera will meter off that bright surface and assume it really shouldn’t be that bright…and tone it down. The result is blah, like the photo I shot tonight just a moment before the above photo from exactly the same spot…but using the Auto setting instead of Snow:

The true color was a LOT closer to the top photo shot with the Snow setting than the second photo on Auto.

Give your Snow setting a try this summer, especially if you take your dog to the beach!

Do you have a beach photo of your dog? Please share the fun…upload it in the comments below using the + link!

Paris Permenter
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