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Review: Earth Heart’s Buzz Guard

Product: Buzz Guard ™

What It Is: Natural insect repellent for dogs

Manufacturer: Earth Heart Inc.

DogTipper Review: A few months ago, we reviewed Canine Calm, an all-natural aromatherapy mist for calming dogs during times of stress, such as thunderstorms or vet visits. Canine Calm is made by Earth Heart, Inc., a company that also produces Travel Calm, for calming dogs during travel, and Buzz Guard, for help repelling pests.

If you’ve never been to Texas during the summer, take our word for it: this is Bug Central. This year’s drought and record heat have kept the numbers of fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes down somewhat, but we–and our dogs–still confront biting and stinging bugs every time we walk outside.

When we heard about Buzz Guard, we were definitely eager to give it a try. This natural repellent was field tested over a four-year period by a variety of dog owners and professionals.

Its ingredients list is nice and simple, just what we like to see:

Water, polysorbate 20; neem seed oil; pure essential oils of citronella, fir, geranium; rosewood, basil, myrrh; potassium sorbate.

So far, so good. Next: the sniff test.

With its hint of citronella, Buzz Guard smelled pleasant and not at all overpowering. With asthma, I’m very sensitive to smells and cautious about a lot of heavily scented sprays. Buzz Guard is mild and pleasant enough to wear yourself. I sprayed some on my arms, and I’m happy to say it has a clean, light odor and a non-greasy feel. It can be sprayed on skin, clothing, or fur.

Another plus: Buzz Guard (like the other Earth Heart’s products) is packaged in BPA-free containers.

Next, I gave the dogs a spritz, spraying their back and upper tail area where bugs seem to prefer. Neither dog seemed to mind the spray on them (although Tiki didn’t like the smell of the bottle when I let her smell it directly.) They quickly ignored the scent and got ready for their walk.

We wore the spray on our evening dog walk and I liked the bug-free results! A big paws up for Buzz Guard!

Note: Buzz Guard is not intended for cats.

For More Information:

Disclosure: We received a bottle of Buzz Guard for review; we were not paid for our review and all opinions are our own.

Paris Permenter
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