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FurBulous Dog Shampoo Review

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Product: FurBulous Dog Shampoo

What It Is: The first USDA Certified Organic Dog Shampoo

DogTipper Review: Bath time, unfortunately, is not a fun time around here. Although the dogs may play and play in our creek and enjoy the water, when they see the first sign of a shampoo bottle, they hide. Irie will reluctantly follow us to the bathing area but not Tiki…this 60-pound girl has to be carried to get a bath…


So we’re always on the lookout for anything to make bath time a little bit easier. When we were offered the opportunity to receive a review bottle of FurBulous Dog, we jumped at it.


What makes FurBulous Dog different? First, it’s available in a foaming bottle (and also a spray on bottle). We received the foaming bottle; like foaming hand soap, you can dispense the shampoo with just one hand. (This is a big deal if you’re dealing with an unwilling bather with the other hand!) The consistency is much like shaving cream.

But the shampoo is also different in that it’s the first USDA Certified Organic Dog Shampoo. Since we live near a creek and we love to do the dog baths outdoors as long as the weather allows, we’re always looking for eco-friendly products that will be kind to both the yard and surrounding area.

Our FurBulous Dog package arrived just at the right time…Tiki had found a very dead frog to roll on. It was definitely bath time.


The first thing we noticed about the shampoo was the low amount of suds. Why? This shampoo does not have sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a substance that creates lather–but can also cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and can cause nausea. The low lather factor had a big plus: a quick rinse!

The next thing we noticed: the incredible scent of the shampoo. Made with saponified organic coconut, olive and jojoba oils, natural essential oil blend including tea tree and organic orange oil, organic aloe vera and rosemary extract, the shampoo smells like a spa treatment! It’s not perfumey–just clean and fresh.

FurBulous Dog gets a big paws up from us for making bath time easier!

Paris Permenter
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