Tiki and Irie are very lucky pooches with many dog beds around the house. They have one outdoor favorite: their Cooleroo bed. I purchased this bed at the thrift store a couple of years ago, and the dogs love it as much as they did the day we set it up on the porch. When the dogs are outdoors, there is *always* one dog on the raised cot made with sunshade that allows air circulation for cooling the bed’s inhabitant.
But the last few weeks, the Cooleroo developed a tear. We tried to mend it, first with by sewing and then by trying to patch the hole(s) with some solar screening. They continued to get on the bed and the hole grew larger. It was time to take action.
We ordered a new Cooleroo cover which arrived today. John recovered the bed, removing the torn cover and replacing it with the new cover. Within five minutes, Tiki was on the bed. She’s ready for summer!
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