As you know, we’re co-hosting Super Dog Sunday with All Things Dog Blog; it’s coming up a week from Sunday on Feb. 5! This special event benefits Petfinder Foundation and includes a photo contest featuring football-themed dog photos.
The photo contest will feature photos of dogs and footballs (or football jerseys or other football items). We’ve heard from several readers asking for tips on posing their dog with a football…so that’s today’s tip!
In posing your dog with a football:
- Step One: be sure to get down on your dog’s level, like the photo above of our “cousin,” Chip.
- Step Two: focus on your dog’s eyes, not the football
That’s it! You can have your dog interact with the football (like Tiki’s photo, below) or just have the football in the scene, like Chip’s photo. Have fun with your photo session and, when you’re ready to throw your winning touchdown, send in your photo to Super Dog Sunday!
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