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144*365: Using Camera Presets

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Sometimes I get in a rut with my camera settings, relying on whatever the camera’s already set to rather than experimenting with different settings. I’m going to change that!

Today I decided to experiment with the Close Up setting (on my camera, it’s a flower icon. Many cameras use this same icon for this setting.)

I was using the close up mode to take a shot of these verbena that are blooming in our front yard…

I like the shallow depth of field in this photo and the closeness I was able to get to the flowers (although I was just using the 18-55mm lens; it is not a macro lens.)

Of course, you know if you sit on the ground, you will have a dog (or two) come over to check out what you’re doing! As I sat there taking the verbena photos, over came Tiki and, with the camera still in the Close Up Mode, I shot the top photo of her. It’s interesting because the preset mode popped up the flash for that photo (taken in the same light as the flowers). I think it’s an interesting effect, though.

My challenge to myself this week is to work through all the preset modes on my camera and learn how to use each of these!

Paris Permenter
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