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146*365: Working With Blurry Photos

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Blur happens. Between moving dogs and my reluctance to use a flash, I get blurry photos now and then. That’s the beauty of digital photography, though; I can take a lot of photos and toss the ones that don’t work.

But sometimes I’ll be editing photos and come across one that’s blurry but that I don’t want to delete, like the above photo of Tiki and a toy. It’s cute, and I’d like to salvage it.

When a photo is more than a little out of focus, it just won’t work to try to sharpen the shot…so you’ve got to get innovative. I uploaded the above photo to and started experimenting with different effects.

This Posterized version of the same shot simplifies everything into just a few tones, taking the focus off, well, the lack of focus:

Or try the Pixelate effect, which extremely pixelates all but a particular focal area (which you can move around on your photo; I’ve placed it over Tiki’s face.) You can play with the size and hardness of the pixelation, too:

The Gritty effect gives an artistic look to the photo…

…and the Sepia effect simplifies the photo by removing most tones…

Before you delete your next blurry photo, try some special effects to see if you like the look!

Do you have a blurry photo of your dog? Share the fun in the comments field below; just click the + link to upload a photo!

Paris Permenter
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