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141*365: There’s No Place Like Home

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Today’s 365 Photo Project post is short because, as the saying goes, I’m dog-tired. Tiki was sick today; she’s usually bouncy and boisterous but has been dragging around the house with a droopy tail, refusing food, and her nose felt hot. I took her to the veterinarian, and she confirmed that Tiki had a high fever. Tiki’s been on an IV all day but, thank goodness, it dropped and she was able to come home for the night.

Tomorrow we’ll have her back at the clinic as soon as they open and she can then begin antibiotics. Tiki’s blood work and X-rays all came back good. The vet hopes that with some antibiotics started by IV tomorrow, she’ll then be able to come home tomorrow afternoon and just get on some oral medication for the remainder of the period.

Felix was as happy to see Tiki as the rest of us were today!! He helped her out with a little grooming on her return home this evening!

I will keep everyone posted on Tiki as soon as I know more. In the meantime, there’s no place like home…

Paris Permenter
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