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129*365: Simply Silly!

The last two days have rainy–really rainy–so we’ve been busy entertaining the dogs indoors. We’ve played with their interactive toys and worked on their training…but Tiki seems to have found her own ways to entertain herself.

This afternoon, Tiki decided she should sit beneath her dog bed instead of atop it…

This evening, we had a new memory foam dog bed from Pet Dreams (stay tuned for a review….psst, and a giveaway!) to photograph. Tiki immediately claimed it as her own. However, the second that Tiki got up, Coco decided that maybe it was a CAT bed. Tiki retaliated and decided that she’d take Coco’s Cat Ball. decided to plant her head inside the cat bed and just sat around for a long time like that…

Do you have a silly photo of your dog? Please share it in the comments field below…just click the + link to upload a photo!

Paris Permenter
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