Today’s 365 Photo Project is super short and quick! (Not only because it’s an easy tip but also because of our limited Internet connection today. A lightning strike last night knocked out the radio tower from which we receive our wireless DSL signal; our backup connection is super slow! To top it all off, there’s another storm on the way with lighting in the distance. Irie has let me know that she is already hearing the thunder…)
Our tip today is to shoot photos in sequences of three. You can set this automatically on some cameras or just get into the habit of shooting in a quick sequence of three if you are using a DSLR. (If you’re on a compact camera, the lag time between photos won’t allow this. Many compact cameras will allow you to set the camera to shoot a sequence, however.)
Why three? Typically the first and third photos in the sequence will be the blurriest; the second photo will be the sharpest.
OK, the lighting is moving closer. Irie says it’s time to go!
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