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10 Ways to Enjoy Summer with Your Dog

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Are you ready to make this the best summer yet for your dog? With just a little preparation, you can create summer memories for both of you–all while keeping your dog safe and happy! We’ve got some great ideas you can use to enjoy summer with your dog!

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Plan Special Outings.

Whether it’s a dream vacation or a day away, take some time to plan some special outings with your dog: trips to swim at the lake, shopping at dog-friendly stores or even a staycation at a local hotel that welcomes four-legged guests!

Prepare for Fireworks.

If your dog dislikes fireworks, you’re probably already dreading the Fourth of July. On this day when more pets go missing than any other day of the year, dogs panic because of the fireworks that can begin days before the actual holiday. If your dog is frightened of fireworks, consider cbd hemp oil for pets to calm your dog BEFORE the fireworks begin to help ease anxiety. Also, you’ll want to keep your dog indoors with the TV on and volume a little louder than usual to help muffle the sounds of celebration.

Never Leave Your Dog in the Car.

It only takes minutes for Heat Stroke in Dogs: How Hot Is TOO Hot for Dogs?temperatures in a closed car to climb–and you don’t have be experiencing triple digit temperatures for temperatures to get dangerous or even deadly to your dog.

Cracking the windows does very little to relieve the heat. Think you’ll just run into the store and leave your dog in the car with the air conditioner running? Think twice about that; if your engine stalls, your dog will die in the sweltering car.

Please plan your outings so that your dog can accompany you or leave your dog and home and bring him a surprise!

Buy Your Dog a Kiddie Pool.

Dollar for dollar, you can’t beat the combination of cooling fun and photo opportunities the simplest  children’s wading pool will bring you and your dog this summer!

Keep Older Dogs Comfortable and Active.

Summer fun isn’t just for youngsters; senior dogs also want to enjoy summer travel and outings.

Just like they are for us, though, long car rides can be difficult on dogs with arthritis; one of the benefits of cbd oil is its reaction with pain receptors throughout the endocannabinoid system to help ease chronic pain.

Talk with your vet about the best cbd oil for dogs and plan a dosage that will keep your older dog active and comfortable as you make summer memories together.

Groom Your Dog for Summer.

Get ready for the heat with a grooming session, whether that’s deshedding to remove shed fur that, if left in place, will mat and prevent air from reaching your dog’s skin, or a special summer haircut. Talk with your groomer about a cut that’s right for your dog’s breed and fur type.

Frozen Dog Treats

Make Your Own Frozen Dog Treats.

They’re cheap and EASY to make–and just as much fun for your dog as the Popsicles you enjoyed in your youth.

Low-calorie treats are as easy to make as just freezing a mixture of water and low-sodium chicken broth in an ice tray!

Consider a Training Class.

Training facilities with air-conditioned classrooms can be a great place for you and your dog to enjoy weekly fun together.

Sign your dog up for a manners refresher or learn some new skills like agility or tricks!

Plan Some Social Outings.

If your dog enjoys the company of other dogs, check out local dog parks and Meetup groups–or plan a get-together at your home with Fido-loving friends!

Plan Dog Walks Around the Temperature.

During hot weather, early morning and late evening walks are best . If your walking route takes you on asphalt and pavement, however, morning walks will be your best friend since pavement heated throughout the day will still be hot for hours after the sun goes down. Walking on hot pavement risks blistering your dog’s paw pads.

Try to find grassy areas so your dog is off the pavement and other hot surfaces or train your dog to wear booties to protect those paws.

More Summer Fun for Your Dog

10 Vet Tips for Safe Summer Dog Travel

40 Fun Activities to Enjoy with Your Dog This Summer!

The Caring Vet: Spring and Summer Safety

Paris Permenter
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